The greatest show on earth
The most famous circus in the history of American entertainment has to be the Ringling Brothers Circus. The five brothers with (16)occasional aid from another two siblings, were the sons of a German harness-maker who had anglicized his name from Rungling. Through sheer hard work. (17)Dedication and organizing ability the brothers built up the greatest show on earth. The circus was born from humble (18) beginning in 1882, in the Ringlings home town of Baraboo, Wiscosin from which they travelled the road touring the mid-west. Having title cash at their (19)disposal for equipment and performers, the brothers did the bulk of the themselves . Together with seventeen (20) employees, they sewed and pitched tents, sold tickets, played in the band , turning their hand to anything. Profits were ploughed back into the business, which grew rapidly after the (21) acquisition of a elephant in 1880. Initially, the show trundled from town to town in horse drawn wagons, but from 1890, railroad travel (22) facilitated whole process. The Ringlings rivals however, the gigantic Barnum & Bailey’s circus, occupied sixty railroad carriages in travelling to it’s (23) various destinations. In 1907, one year after Bailey’s death, the Ringlings bough out their enormous (24)competitor, although the two shows toured separately until their 1919 (25) merger. The circus stayed in the family uni, it was sold in 1967, but the new owners retained the name Ringling Brothers.

Black holes are among us
Black holes are suddenly turning up (0) all over the place: vast (1) holes in the galaxies, middle-sized ones in our own and maybe (2 is tiny ones on the Earth. A black hole is the essence of gravity, a place where space is stretched to the limit Stray (3) is close, and you will be drawn irresistibly inwards. Even light (4 ) in Escape from beyond the event horizon, (5) when time slows to a stop. Black holes may sound (6) as a crazy conjecture of theoretical physicists, but now we (7) have actually begun to find them. Gigantic black holes, it seems, lurk in the centres of most galaxies. Some astronomers now (8) suppose that these massive holes created and shaped every galaxy in the inverse. (9) Before we ever manage to visit a black hole, it (10) must probably be one in our own galaxy – perhaps one of the middleweight holes believed (11) in power microquasars – ultraviolet objects discovered just a few years (12) ago. But we might not (13) hope to go so far. Two physicists believe that microscopic black holes left (14) out from the big bang might litter the inverse, pretending to be ordinary atoms. Some of them (15) may even be hiding within you. So they the end of space and time, the beginning of galaxies, and your insides. The universe is full of holes


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