
What can I do becoming telecommunication engineer

We have only life, so during our life time we need to do pride something. In my opinion people have become good job then to help develop our country. So many occupation in the world but I choose telecommunication engineer. I think person might choose anyway but solely person try then achieve success. So I believe to become best telecommunication engineer.

An engineer, who must be an initiative and a creative. Most of all the technical and scientific creations were discovered and invented by engineers. If the telecommunication wasn’t invented in the world, people wouldn’t can communicate with each other from a distance. So I’m happy to choose this occupation.In Mongolia few years ago people used to send letters to distance provinces. But nowadays we can communicate with each other from a distance using cell phone and Internet. Even tough we talk by Internet. It’s VoIP network and this technology kind of NGN. Which is more developed by engineer in year to years. It’s development of communications we can’t imagine that what new creations will be invented in future.

I will do a lot in the development of communications. At first I will modify a short message service (sms). Most people suppose that writing sms is to waste time. I will do modification in sms. I’m imagining that it will write itself person’s speech. We will tell words and phone number, cell phone will write our words and send itself. I hope that this service will save our time. Therefore I will invent an open call system. It means we can speak each other when we want to communicate cell phone will be like small sized microphone and put at back of ear. Further more our speech will be silent. It means that other people near you won’t be able to hear your speech. It will help you to keep your to secret and save other’s comfort. I think that all these creations are capable to be invent. After I’m doing try and study well then I will be do all possibility technologies, I go next step for planning.

Secondly I want to cooperate with foreign engineers and learn from them. In japan every year new communication and information technology creations are invented. We can gain technical idea from them. In the result Gross Domastic Product of our country will be able to increase through telecommunications development.

Finally I will establish secondary school and university. In the secondary school pupils who have ambitious learning about basis of communication technologies will gain telecom. In the university students will learn professional subjects.

There are I can things when becoming telecommunication engineer. If person have goals, one day person reach itself. But only who have make an effort and interested doing our work by oneself.In the world develop is very fast and especially information and communication technology grow up in second to seconds. So I becoming telecommunication engineer then I hope our contribution in our country development. If own can attempt, destiny can attempt.


Traffic engineering
Traffic engineering applies to traditional voice networks. Voice over network is one of the traffic engineering. It is properly size the number of trunks and provision the appropriate amount of bandwidth necessary to carry amount of trunks determined. It is five step process.
1. collect the existing voice traffic :
Collecting information from carrier. There are calls abandoned and all trunks busy. Also Grade of Service (GoS) rating for trunk groups, total traffic carried per trunk group and phone bills to see the carrier’s rates.
2. categorize the traffic by groups:
stand by separating the traffic into inbound and outbound directions.
3. Determine number of physical trunks required to meet the traffic needs:
If you know the amount of traffic generated and the GoS required, then you may calculate the number of trunks.
4. Converting the number of erlangs of traffic to packets or cells per second.

The number of trunks required will differ depending on the traffic probability assumption. There are four basic assumptions.
Potential sources
There can be major difference between planning for infinite versus small number of sources.
Traffic arrival characteristics
It based on a Poisson traffic distribution. Poisson distribution is used for infinite traffic resources.
How the switch handles trunk allocation
The fourth assumption centers around the switching equipment itself.
As mentioned earlier, the purpose of the third step is to calculate the number of physical trunks required.


The greatest show on earth
The most famous circus in the history of American entertainment has to be the Ringling Brothers Circus. The five brothers with (16)occasional aid from another two siblings, were the sons of a German harness-maker who had anglicized his name from Rungling. Through sheer hard work. (17)Dedication and organizing ability the brothers built up the greatest show on earth. The circus was born from humble (18) beginning in 1882, in the Ringlings home town of Baraboo, Wiscosin from which they travelled the road touring the mid-west. Having title cash at their (19)disposal for equipment and performers, the brothers did the bulk of the themselves . Together with seventeen (20) employees, they sewed and pitched tents, sold tickets, played in the band , turning their hand to anything. Profits were ploughed back into the business, which grew rapidly after the (21) acquisition of a elephant in 1880. Initially, the show trundled from town to town in horse drawn wagons, but from 1890, railroad travel (22) facilitated whole process. The Ringlings rivals however, the gigantic Barnum & Bailey’s circus, occupied sixty railroad carriages in travelling to it’s (23) various destinations. In 1907, one year after Bailey’s death, the Ringlings bough out their enormous (24)competitor, although the two shows toured separately until their 1919 (25) merger. The circus stayed in the family uni, it was sold in 1967, but the new owners retained the name Ringling Brothers.

Black holes are among us
Black holes are suddenly turning up (0) all over the place: vast (1) holes in the galaxies, middle-sized ones in our own and maybe (2 is tiny ones on the Earth. A black hole is the essence of gravity, a place where space is stretched to the limit Stray (3) is close, and you will be drawn irresistibly inwards. Even light (4 ) in Escape from beyond the event horizon, (5) when time slows to a stop. Black holes may sound (6) as a crazy conjecture of theoretical physicists, but now we (7) have actually begun to find them. Gigantic black holes, it seems, lurk in the centres of most galaxies. Some astronomers now (8) suppose that these massive holes created and shaped every galaxy in the inverse. (9) Before we ever manage to visit a black hole, it (10) must probably be one in our own galaxy – perhaps one of the middleweight holes believed (11) in power microquasars – ultraviolet objects discovered just a few years (12) ago. But we might not (13) hope to go so far. Two physicists believe that microscopic black holes left (14) out from the big bang might litter the inverse, pretending to be ordinary atoms. Some of them (15) may even be hiding within you. So they the end of space and time, the beginning of galaxies, and your insides. The universe is full of holes

Translating sentences

4. Өгөгдөл нь электрон цаасан аль ч хэлбэрт хамаарах ба өгөгдлийн талбар, файл өгөгдлийн сан,боловсруулсан баримт бичиг, график дүрс ба тоон кодлогдсон дуу, видео дүрсэд хамаарч болно.
Data is concern either to electronic or paper information which may have a connection data field, file database, processed documentation, graphical video and digital video.

8. Үйлчилгээний программууд нь гарны товчлуурын тэмдэгтүүдийг компьютер таних, мөн диск рүү эсвэл монитор луу тэмдэгтийг дамжуулах боломж олгодог.
Services programs give a chance to transmit that computer identification key of keyboard but to disk or monitor.

Interview questions

1.Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
My name is Amarsaikhan. I was born in Kharkhorin of Uwurkhangai aimag. There are 4 member in my family.My dad, mum, sister and me. In individual person , I’m honesty and self-confident. I’ m excellent communication skills and independently.

2.What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
My greatest weakness is embarrassed. Sometimes I become untrustworthy. On the other hand I content that finished any works and I’m diligent. Also I’m creative initiation.

3.Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
I will work in career and have knowledge of our job. I imagine for best engineer in the future. I want and try it. So many New technologies discovered in the XXI century, so my professional career put on high position . I choose telecommunication engineer then I satisfaction our job.

4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ?
Which job do you choose then life is changed. But I very glad for selection. I graduated from Information and Communication University. There I studied so many things that professional education. Also I have very good friend. That’s all of my changed in my life.

5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I involved in ‘Crazy English’ education center in summer holiday. Also I was member of ‘TECO’ club. Student of telecommunication class’s based on this club. I participated many act.

6.What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-Iactivities?
I learned for joined work with colleagues. Also I know English conversation.

7.Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
I want to be telecommunication engineer in your career. I can innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and organization strategic and shift in the company.

8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I try to study our organization. So I decide what do I .

9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
It always renew at each time so I like my job. First of all it is very interesting job. Secondly it is demand job. Finely it has high salary.

10. Can you work under pressure ?
No. I can’t. It’s difficult. In this situation I will frightened then I can’t do something

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
It’s most important on my job. Company has many employers and costumers. So I have to good communicate with people. Also most people sum up person for communication and interaction.
Therefore when person will have to good communication skills, achieve success then company will wide in the area or world.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work with others. Because I work with other people, we can do anything and which problem is decided truly ways.

13.What are your long-rage goals and objectives?
I want to be develop communication system. So whatever I have to will best engineer .
My long-range goals are I will best engineer, have good life and wanted to be develop communication system. For this reason I always study about our job’s things.

14.What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My short-range goals are study well, know about professional all things and become speak English well.

15.How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I plan to modern technology so I let go past in our career.

16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ? What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?
I think gained so many things. I knew about professional things and English language. My job involved communication technology. Also local and distance telephone switch.

17. Why do you want to work for this company?
Because this company organizes many services and I can that initiative new services.

18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?
Big office, sociable and creative collectives are suited for me. You have to offer work good satisfaction and reasonable salary.

19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
I interested vice engineer. I think I would stay over 10 years with you. I will work sincerity in your company.

20. What salary would you expect for this position?
I would expect salary 300$ for this position

Дутуу даалгавар

- abstract?
- is there difference between translaion into mongolian and translation into english?
- essay
- video

Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer
1. First name: Nergui Last name: Amarsaikhan
2. Birrthday: 23/07/1989
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Uwurkhangai aimag
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: ir 89072304
7. Passport number: E 0603170
8. Home address: Yarmag 5-554, Khan- Uul district
9. Phone number: 95849770
10. Email:
11. Salary scale: 300$
12. Your professional and education
School type/ School name/ Entered year/ Graduated year/ Professional or education
High school 18th school/1997/ 2007
University Information and Communication/2007/2011/ Bachelor degree
13. Your family member(only with live)
who/ name/ Age/ Where is he/she work ?/ Officail position/ Phone number
father/ Nergui /45 /‘Tulga’Co.., ltd /engineer/ 99124567
mum/ Orkhontuya/ 45/ Suudliin wodan defo/ 99159372
sister/ Amarbaysgalan/ 25/ ‘Bars’Co.., Ltd/ accountant/ 99850723

Translating sequence

1. To read two or three times
2. To understand generally about what
3. To read every sentence
4. To define a formation of sentence and assembled or compound
5. To find predicate and subject , answer the question who did what
6. To make an inventory how to translate
7. To analyze the adjectives
8. To translate a sentence and find the meaning in general
9. To refer to a dictionary unknown words
10. To play attention the tense of sentence
11. To translate into target language using the tense
12. To translate literally
13. To check the words were lost from some sentence and their meaning was lost
14. To compound a sentence
15. To read your translation and compare it with source language

Business letter

Khan-Uul district
Yarmag 5-554

manager, BSB ltd
Misheel center
Khan-Uul district

Dear Mr. Enkhbold

On September 27, I bought fridge from your company. Unfortunately it hasn’t been running for 4 days. I’ve met your company’s assistant, but assistant unable to determine this problem. So I’m approaching you.

I’d either like the fridge replace with new one that works properly or my money refunded. Please contact me at the above address.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for consideration.



Curriculum vitae

Contact information
Name : Amarsaikhan.N
Address: Yarmag 5-554, Khan-Uul distrist, Ulaanbaatar
Country: Mongolia
Cell- phone: 95849770
Personal information
Date of birth: 23/07/1989
Place of birth: Kharkhorin sum, Uwurkhangai aimag
Citizenship: Khan- Uul district, Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
High school:
1997 – 2003 2nd school of Kharkhorin sum
2003- 2004 3th school of Songino - khairkhan district
2004- 2007 18th school of Darkhan – Uul aimag
Now I’m studying at Information and Telecommunication University.
I will be telecommunication engineer
Professional qualifications
- use of computer program is excellent
- knowledge of professional experience
- Mongolia (native language)
- English (excellent)
Personal behavior
- Honesty
- Responsible
- Self-confidence
- Innovative ideas
- Able to organize colleagues
- Read book
- Listen to music
- play chess



Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer
1. First name: Nergui Last name: Amarsaikhan
2. Birrthday: 23/07/1989
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Uwurkhangai aimag
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: ir 89072304
7. Passport number: E 0603170
8. Home address: Yarmag 5-554, Khan- Uul district
9. Phone number: 95849770
10. Email:
11. Salary scale: 300$
12. Your professional and education
School type School name Entered year Graduated year Professional or education degree
High school 18th school 1997 2007
University Information and Communication 2007 2011 Bachelor degree
13. Your family member(only with live)
who name age Where is he/she work ? Officail position Phone number
father Nergui 45 ‘Tulga’Co.., ltd engineer 99124567
mum Orkhontuya 45 Suudliin wodan defo 99159372
sister Amarbaysgalan 25 ‘Bars’Co.., Ltd accountant 99850723

Орчуулга хийх дараалал

Орчуулга хийх дараалал
1. Унших 2-3 удаа
2. Юуны талаар бичсэн болохыг ерөнхийд нь ойлгох
3. Өгүүлбэр бүрийг хэсэгчилэн авч үзэх
4. Өгүүлбэрийн бүтэцийг тодорхойлох ( ЭНӨ эсвэл УНӨ)
5. Хамгийн түрүүнд өгүүлбэрээс өгүүлэхүүн өгүүлэгдэхүүнийг нь олж хэн юу хийсэн гэх асуултанд хариулах
6. Хаанаас нь яаж эхлэж орчуулахаа анхаарч тооцоолох
7. Тэмдэг нэрүүдийг ялгах
8. Өгүүлбэрийг орчуулан ерөнхийд нь утга гаргах
9. Мэдэхгүй үгээ тольдох
10. Ямар цаг дээр бичсэнийг анхаарах
11. Тэр цагтаа хувирган бичих
12. Эхлээд махчилан орчуулах
13. Ямар нэг үг өгүүлбэрээс хаягдаж утга нь алдагдсан эсэхийг шалгах
14. Өгүүлбэрт найруулга оруулах
15. Уншиж үзэн жинхэнэ утна нь гарсан эсэхийг өгүүлбэртэйгээ харьцуулан үзэх

Reference letter

Amarsaikhan Nergui
Information and Communication University, MUST
Apt 201-3, Bayangol district,
Post box-325, Post office UB-21,
Ulaaanbaatar, Mongolia, 01976

To: ‘’Unitel’’ company

I confirm that I have known Amarsaikhan for 3 years. Throughout years of I have seen many advantages of her. She was responsible for our lesson including attend to duty for keep moment.

Amarsaikhan has excellent communication skills. She is extremely organized, reliable and willing to do on project that is assigned her. In addition she can work independently. She would be tremendous asset for your company.

She is able to follow through ensure. In characters, she is peaceful, dependable and courteous. She also experience in communication system and developed CPE (Central Processing Environment).

In conclusion, Amarsaikhan has my high recommendation. She is good selection. If you have any further question with regard to her background or qualifications, please don’t hesitate to call me.
I’m happy to provide further information if required.


Senior lecturer Bayarmaa.G
Tel: 99167382 fax: 976-11-70151333

Cover letter

Director of company
UB city, Mongolia
Sukhbaatar district

Dear Bolor:

If your organization skilled and experienced telecommunication engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objective with you .I want to enter your company. I graduated from Information and Communication University and GPA 3.5.I am telecommunication engineer. So I am thinking work along the own job. I can develop my professional horizons by seeking new challenges communication system.

In review of your company’s purposes and I am interested your carrier. Futhermore I believe that my experience is perfect with your current requirements. I am able to innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and contribution advances and shift in the company.

I would like collaborate your collective. I’m honesty and self- confident. Therefore I will lead and efficiency work with colleagues. I feel that personal interview is better and will demonstrate my knowledge and abilities. You trust me to my capacity for work. Thank you for your consideration. I looking forward speaking with you soon




Passenger registration worker
• Highly qualified (preferably graduated from business management)
• Translates documents Russian and god relationship
• Proven competency in the use of computer program
• Knowledge of English language
• Preferably office equipment of professional experience

Post of basic duty :
• Performs passenger registration activity to distribution and subscription
• Write to ticket
• Set in airplane keeps to distribution and assemble flying documentation, reported related parts
• Manages flying documentation sends financial information
• Meets flight to arrive by plane, to serve passenger etc

Assemble documentation :
• Application
• 2 portion picture (size of 4,6 )
• Professional diploma of foreign and domestic, copy of certificate
• Reference from your previous employers
• Copy of password

People how wants participate in the selection must make up the below materials and hand in the center office the company please it is a possible to hand in your application with you for the reception the institution by the below address.

Deadline for application is: 17:00 on 16 September 2009

Particularly :
Please consider to not give any information by telephone. We will invide the person submitted an application, who met the requirements in an interview and not the give back the received documents
Address: Naiman zovkhis center, first floot, Seoul street, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia
Fax: 976-11-314258,

Ажилд авна

Компаний талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл авахийг хүсвэл вэб хуудсанд хандана уу.
Зорчигч бүртгэлийн ажилтанд
Тавигдах шаардлага
• Дээд боловсролтой (Бизнесийн удирдлагын чиглэлээр төгөссөн бол сайн)
• Орос хэл дээр бичиг баримт боловсруулах болон харилцааны өндөр чадвартай
• Цаашид тогтвор сууршилтай ажиллах
• Компьютерийн хэрэглээний програмуудыг бүрэн эзэмшсэн
• Англи хэлний дунд түвшний мэдлэгтэй
• Үйлчилгээний ажлын туршлагатай бол сайн
Ажлын байрны үндсэн чиг үүрэг
• Хуваарьт болон захиалгат нислэгийн зорчигч бүртгэлийн ажиллагааг гүйцэтгэх
• Нислэгийн тийз бичих
• Зорчигчдыг аюулгүйн үзэлгээр оруулан агаарын хөлөгт суулгах, тээврийн бичиг баримтуудыг бүрдүүлэх, хөтлөх, холбогдох хэсгүүдэд мэдээлэх
• Нислэгийн бичиг баримт хөтлөх, санхүүгийн мэдээ илгээх
• Ирэх нислэгийг угтан авч зорчигчдод үйлчлэх гэх мэт
Бүрдүүлэх материал
• Анкет
• 2 хувь зураг (4,6 хэмжээтэй цээж зураг)
• Их дээд, тусгай дунд сургуулийн дипломын хуулбар
• Гадаад дотоодын мэргэжлийн сургуулийн диплом, гэрчилгээний хуулбар
• Урьд ажиллаж байсан байгууллагын тодорхойлолт
• Иргэний үнэмлэхний хуулбар
Шаргаруултанд оролцохыг хүсэгчид дээрх материалуудыг бүрдүүлэн Изинис Эйрвэйз ХХК –ний төв байранд авчирч өгнө үү.
Анкетийг доорх хаягаар байгууллагын ресепшнээс авч болно
Материал хүлээн авах хугацаа : 2009 оны 1 сарын 16 - ны 17 цагийг дуустал
Жич : Утсаар мэдээлэл өгөхгүй болохийг анхаарна уу. Зөвхөн анкетын шаардагад нийцсэн өргөдөл гаргагчийг ярилцлагад урих ба хүлээж авсан бичиг баримтыг буцааж олгохгүй.
Хаяг : Найман зохис төв, 1-р давхар, Сөүлийн гудамж, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол улс
Факс : 976-11-314258,


Ажлын зар

UNFPA Regional Sub-Office in Khovd aimag
Ховд аймаг дахь НҮБ-ын Хүн Амын Сангийн Газар

is seeking a highly qualified individual for the below post
нь дээд боловсролтой хувь хүнийг доорх ажилд авахаар хайж байна.

Post title: Secretary/Translator
Ажлын орон тоо: Нарийн бичээч / Орчуулагч

Type: Project post
Төрөл: Төслийн ажил

Duration: 1year initially with possible extention (subject to satisfactory performance)
Хугацаа: Эхний үед нэг жил, сунгах боломжтой /зохих шаардлага хангасан тохиолдолд/

Under the guidance and supervision of the Regional Sub-Office (RSO) Manager, the Secretary/
Translator is expected to provide all necessary operational support to the effective daily implementation of UNFPA activities.
НҮБ-ын хүн амын сангийн газрын менежерийн хяналт удирдлагын дагуу Нарийн бичээч / Орчуулагч нь тус газрын үйл ажиллагаа үр дүнтэй болсон өдөр бүрийн хэрэгжилтэнд шаардлагатай бүх тусламжийг үзүүлж байх үүрэгтэй.

Secretary/ Translator in the UNFPA Regional Sub-Office:
НҮБ-ын Хүн Амын Сангийн Газрын Нарийн бичээч / Орчуулагч нь:
- Arranges appointments, receives visitors, places and screens telephone calls and answers queries;
- Уулзалт зохион байгуулах, зочдыг хүлээн авах, утасны дуудлагыг хүлээн авч асуултанд хариулах

- Receives, registers, screens, logs and routes correspondences;
- Хүлээн авах, бүртгэх, мөн албан захидал явуулах

- Drafts letters and other basic correspondence and ensures follow-up actions;
- Бусад чухал харилцааны захидлын эх загварыг гаргах мөн шаардлагатай дүрмийг баримтална

- Take minutes of meetings;
- Уулзалт хийх

- Asists RSO staff, including a Peace Corps volunteer in preparing or formatting presentations and reports;
- Тус байгууллагад ажилтан авах үүнд Peace Corps –н сайн дурын хүмүүсийг бэлтгэх эсвэл танилцуулга илтгэлээс нь шалгаруулж авна

- Manages documentation center , filing system for RSO and handles office stationary supply;
- Тус байгууллагын бичиг баримтын төвийг удирдан явуулах ба байгууллагын хангамжийг зохицуулах

- Acts as a petty cash custodian and a leave monitor for RSO;
- Тус байгууллагын мөнгийг хариуцан хянаж ажиллах

- Makes field trip arrangements; maintains vehicle history repots, monitors utilization of the office vehicle, keeping records on fuel consumption;
- Салбарын үйл ажиллагааг хянах, байгууллагын тээврийн хэрэгслийн мэдээллийг хадгалах, тээврийн хэрэгслэлийн ашиглалт болон бензин зарцуулалтыг хянах ,

- Translates various documents, including technical papers on reproductive health, population, development, gender and admin/ finance documents between English and Mongolian;
- Олон төрлийн бичиг баримтыг орчуулах, үүнд нөхөн үржихүйн эрүүл мэнд, хүн ам, үйлдвэр, жендер болон инфляцийн мэдээллийг техникийн хэлээр нь англи болон монгол руу харилцан орчуулга хийх

- Interprets between English and Mongolian for UNFPA staff during meetings. Workshops and trainings;
- НҮБ-ын Хүн Амын Сангийн семинар, сургалт, уулзалтын турш англи болон монголоор орчуулга хийн тайлбарлах

- Performs other duties, as required.
- Бусад шаардлагатай үүргийг гүйцэтгэх

Qualifications required:
Тавигдах шаардлага

- University degree
- Бүрэн дээд боловсролтой байх

- At least 3years of professional experiece, preferably in administration and translation
- 3-с багагүй жил удирдах ажилтан мөн орчуулагч хийж байсан ажлын туршлагатай бол бүр сайн

- High proficiency in translating and interpreting between English and Mongolian (Knowledge of Kazakh language is an asset)
- Англи болон Монголоор маш сайн орчуулдаг мөн ярьдаг байх / Казак хэлний мэдлэгтэй бол сайн /

- Excellent writing skills in English and Mongolian
- Англи болон Монгол хэлний бичгийн хэлэнд маш сайн байх

- Good knowledge of the technical terms used in the areas of reproductive health, and population and development
- Нөхөн үржихүйн эрүүл мэнд, хүн ам хөгжлийн мэргэжлийн хэлийг сайн эзэмшсэн байх

- Proven competency in the use of common computer programs
- Компьютерийн хэрэглээний программууд дээр ажилладаг байх

- Ability to operaty office equipment
- Оффист ажиллах чадвартай байх
This post is open to a Mongolian national only.
Энэ ажилд зөвхөн Монгол хүнийг авна.

Please hand deliver your application letter along with your CV, references from your previous employers (ONLY copies, not orginals) to: UNFPA, Khovd Sub-Office, Khovd Governor’s Office building, Jargalant soum, Khovd aimag. Telephone:432-2-2527.
Өөрийн анкет, товч намтар, мөн өмнөх ажлын тодорхойлолтын хамтаар /хуулбар байх ёстой/: Ховд аймгийн Жаргалант сумын Засаг Даргын Байр НҮБ-ын хүн амын сангийн бүс нутгийн ажлын газарт илгээгээрэй. Утас: 432-2-2527

Deadline for applications is 5:00p.m on 2 March 2009. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Анкет авах сүүлийн хугацаа 2009 оны 09 сарын 2-ны 17,00 цаг хүртэл авна. Цөөн хүмүүсээс шалгаруулж авна.


UNFPA Regional Sub-Office in Khovd aimag
is seeking a highly qualified individual for the below post

Post title: Secretary/Translator
Type: Project post
Duration: 1year initially with possible extention (subject to satisfactory performance)
Under the guidance and supervision of the Regional Sub-Office (RSO) Manager, the Secretary/ Translator is expected to provide all necessary operational support to the effective daily implementation of UNFPA activities. Secretary/ Translator in the UNFPA Regional Sub-Office:
- Arranges appointments, receives visitors, places and screens telephone calls and answers queries;
- Receives, registers, screens, logs and routes correspondences;
- Drafts letters and other basic correspondence and ensures follow-up actions;
- Take minutes of meetings;
- Asists RSO staff, including a Peace Corps volunteer in preparing or formatting presentations and reports;
- Manages documentation center , filing system for RSO and handles office stationary supply;
- Acts as a petty cash custodian and a leave monitor for RSO;
- Makes field trip arrangements; maintains vehicle history repots, monitors utilization of the office vehicle, keeping records on fuel consumption;
- Translates various documents, including technical papers on reproductive health, population, development, gender and admin/ finance documents between English and Mongolian;
- Interprets between English and Mongolian for UNFPA staff during meetings. Workshops and trainings;
- Performs other duties, as required.

Qualifications required:
- University degree
- At least 3years of professional experiece, preferably in administration and translation
- High proficiency in translating and interpreting between English and Mongolian (Knowledge of Kazakh language is an asset)
- Excellent writing skills in English and Mongolian
- Good knowledge of the technical terms used in the areas of reproductive health, and population and development
- Proven competency in the use of common computer programs
- Ability to operaty office equipment

This post is open to a Mongolian national only.
Please hand deliver your application letter along with your CV, references from your previous employers (ONLY copies, not orginals) to: UNFPA, Khovd Sub-Office, Khovd Governor’s Office building, Jargalant soum, Khovd aimag. Telephone:432-2527. Deadline for applications is 5:00p.m on 2 March 2009. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

