

Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer
1. First name: Nergui Last name: Amarsaikhan
2. Birrthday: 23/07/1989
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Uwurkhangai aimag
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: ir 89072304
7. Passport number: E 0603170
8. Home address: Yarmag 5-554, Khan- Uul district
9. Phone number: 95849770
10. Email:
11. Salary scale: 300$
12. Your professional and education
School type School name Entered year Graduated year Professional or education degree
High school 18th school 1997 2007
University Information and Communication 2007 2011 Bachelor degree
13. Your family member(only with live)
who name age Where is he/she work ? Officail position Phone number
father Nergui 45 ‘Tulga’Co.., ltd engineer 99124567
mum Orkhontuya 45 Suudliin wodan defo 99159372
sister Amarbaysgalan 25 ‘Bars’Co.., Ltd accountant 99850723


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