Translating sentences

4. Өгөгдөл нь электрон цаасан аль ч хэлбэрт хамаарах ба өгөгдлийн талбар, файл өгөгдлийн сан,боловсруулсан баримт бичиг, график дүрс ба тоон кодлогдсон дуу, видео дүрсэд хамаарч болно.
Data is concern either to electronic or paper information which may have a connection data field, file database, processed documentation, graphical video and digital video.

8. Үйлчилгээний программууд нь гарны товчлуурын тэмдэгтүүдийг компьютер таних, мөн диск рүү эсвэл монитор луу тэмдэгтийг дамжуулах боломж олгодог.
Services programs give a chance to transmit that computer identification key of keyboard but to disk or monitor.

Interview questions

1.Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
My name is Amarsaikhan. I was born in Kharkhorin of Uwurkhangai aimag. There are 4 member in my family.My dad, mum, sister and me. In individual person , I’m honesty and self-confident. I’ m excellent communication skills and independently.

2.What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
My greatest weakness is embarrassed. Sometimes I become untrustworthy. On the other hand I content that finished any works and I’m diligent. Also I’m creative initiation.

3.Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
I will work in career and have knowledge of our job. I imagine for best engineer in the future. I want and try it. So many New technologies discovered in the XXI century, so my professional career put on high position . I choose telecommunication engineer then I satisfaction our job.

4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ?
Which job do you choose then life is changed. But I very glad for selection. I graduated from Information and Communication University. There I studied so many things that professional education. Also I have very good friend. That’s all of my changed in my life.

5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I involved in ‘Crazy English’ education center in summer holiday. Also I was member of ‘TECO’ club. Student of telecommunication class’s based on this club. I participated many act.

6.What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-Iactivities?
I learned for joined work with colleagues. Also I know English conversation.

7.Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
I want to be telecommunication engineer in your career. I can innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and organization strategic and shift in the company.

8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I try to study our organization. So I decide what do I .

9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
It always renew at each time so I like my job. First of all it is very interesting job. Secondly it is demand job. Finely it has high salary.

10. Can you work under pressure ?
No. I can’t. It’s difficult. In this situation I will frightened then I can’t do something

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
It’s most important on my job. Company has many employers and costumers. So I have to good communicate with people. Also most people sum up person for communication and interaction.
Therefore when person will have to good communication skills, achieve success then company will wide in the area or world.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work with others. Because I work with other people, we can do anything and which problem is decided truly ways.

13.What are your long-rage goals and objectives?
I want to be develop communication system. So whatever I have to will best engineer .
My long-range goals are I will best engineer, have good life and wanted to be develop communication system. For this reason I always study about our job’s things.

14.What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My short-range goals are study well, know about professional all things and become speak English well.

15.How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I plan to modern technology so I let go past in our career.

16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ? What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?
I think gained so many things. I knew about professional things and English language. My job involved communication technology. Also local and distance telephone switch.

17. Why do you want to work for this company?
Because this company organizes many services and I can that initiative new services.

18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?
Big office, sociable and creative collectives are suited for me. You have to offer work good satisfaction and reasonable salary.

19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
I interested vice engineer. I think I would stay over 10 years with you. I will work sincerity in your company.

20. What salary would you expect for this position?
I would expect salary 300$ for this position

Дутуу даалгавар

- abstract?
- is there difference between translaion into mongolian and translation into english?
- essay
- video

Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer
1. First name: Nergui Last name: Amarsaikhan
2. Birrthday: 23/07/1989
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Uwurkhangai aimag
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: ir 89072304
7. Passport number: E 0603170
8. Home address: Yarmag 5-554, Khan- Uul district
9. Phone number: 95849770
10. Email:
11. Salary scale: 300$
12. Your professional and education
School type/ School name/ Entered year/ Graduated year/ Professional or education
High school 18th school/1997/ 2007
University Information and Communication/2007/2011/ Bachelor degree
13. Your family member(only with live)
who/ name/ Age/ Where is he/she work ?/ Officail position/ Phone number
father/ Nergui /45 /‘Tulga’Co.., ltd /engineer/ 99124567
mum/ Orkhontuya/ 45/ Suudliin wodan defo/ 99159372
sister/ Amarbaysgalan/ 25/ ‘Bars’Co.., Ltd/ accountant/ 99850723

Translating sequence

1. To read two or three times
2. To understand generally about what
3. To read every sentence
4. To define a formation of sentence and assembled or compound
5. To find predicate and subject , answer the question who did what
6. To make an inventory how to translate
7. To analyze the adjectives
8. To translate a sentence and find the meaning in general
9. To refer to a dictionary unknown words
10. To play attention the tense of sentence
11. To translate into target language using the tense
12. To translate literally
13. To check the words were lost from some sentence and their meaning was lost
14. To compound a sentence
15. To read your translation and compare it with source language

Business letter

Khan-Uul district
Yarmag 5-554

manager, BSB ltd
Misheel center
Khan-Uul district

Dear Mr. Enkhbold

On September 27, I bought fridge from your company. Unfortunately it hasn’t been running for 4 days. I’ve met your company’s assistant, but assistant unable to determine this problem. So I’m approaching you.

I’d either like the fridge replace with new one that works properly or my money refunded. Please contact me at the above address.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for consideration.



Curriculum vitae

Contact information
Name : Amarsaikhan.N
Address: Yarmag 5-554, Khan-Uul distrist, Ulaanbaatar
Country: Mongolia
Cell- phone: 95849770
Personal information
Date of birth: 23/07/1989
Place of birth: Kharkhorin sum, Uwurkhangai aimag
Citizenship: Khan- Uul district, Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
High school:
1997 – 2003 2nd school of Kharkhorin sum
2003- 2004 3th school of Songino - khairkhan district
2004- 2007 18th school of Darkhan – Uul aimag
Now I’m studying at Information and Telecommunication University.
I will be telecommunication engineer
Professional qualifications
- use of computer program is excellent
- knowledge of professional experience
- Mongolia (native language)
- English (excellent)
Personal behavior
- Honesty
- Responsible
- Self-confidence
- Innovative ideas
- Able to organize colleagues
- Read book
- Listen to music
- play chess